So we've entered the post-launch phase a while back. We have been remarkably busy! We've hooked up with Penn State Electronic Dance Music Club and Original High Quality Music Collective and are throwing some seriously awesome parties, and getting some great shots from it. (All of that is on Facebook.com/LionPartyNetwork).

All the initial account issues seem to be fixed (thanks, Facebook privacy settings causing it to crash instead of telling the user or something... that was a major headache to debug - had to get a freshman kid who was having the problem sit with us for two hours to figure it out), and our complete rebrand to "Partynet" looks like something an engineering team in California would take half a year to build. I've never been so proud of anything I've accomplished (although a close second was the feeling I got being accepted into Penn State University!)

We've got stickers, banners, photo walls - we're in the process of getting hats, t-shirts... you name it. Currently at around 750 users, we have an article written already (but not published) by StateInTheReal.com, and are in talks with TheSchoolPhilly.com, OnwardState.com, and The Daily Collegian.

After that we play it by ear and try to attract as much attention as we can. Luckily we have a team of 

Here is the user interface for rating parties.

And on that note... WE'RE READY TO RELEASE!

It's been a long time coming, but we will be submitting to the Apple App Store this evening. Keep here or http://facebook.com/lionpartynetwork for the very latest!



1 Comment

An early look: Right Now slides out from the right. This is your notification hub for activity on the network.
Here is the revised screen for comments on a party in Lion Party Network for iOS:
Don't like a comment you posted? Simply swipe and delete it, just like elsewhere in iOS.

And here is a cool iPhone 5 wallpaper (compatible with any device):
Click on it to download it!
More to come as we approach our launch at Arts Fest 2013 in early July!
So I tried to make my App use as many CPU cycles and as much memory as possible while testing it. The results were pretty awesome.

So here is the CPU Usage:
Not too shabby right? It never exceeded 10-15%, even when using some of the heaviest animation in the app.

Memory Usage:
This is awesome. My app is running in the foreground, messing with objects, adding parties, deleting stuff, using animations. Facebook is in the BACKGROUND, and springboard represents iOS framework processes. My app uses LESS THAN HALF OF THE MEMORY FACEBOOK USES in the background, while mine is in the foreground.

Using Xcode tools I was able to make a very optimized application.

Full featured, and less memory consuming. Looks like I'm doing something right!
A more finalized look at the detail screen.

That bottom part slides up with your finger, which reveals options such as comments (shown in the blog post below this), edit party, invite friends to party (IF AND ONLY IF the privacy setting on the party is "open"), and reporting a party to LPN admins.

Below that, the "Attending" box let's you know who's going, and you have the option to tell the host that you are "going", "maybe", or "pass". This is done all in one segmentedcontrol tap thingy.

Then, scroll back down to get a really big map! Tap the marker when you're ready to go, and Google Maps will route exact coordinates. The best part about Google's maps is that every tiny detail in State College and University Park is nearly perfectly recreated. Buildings are outlined (you can switch to a hybrid satellite view), and every sidewalk is present. I've gone here three years now and I can attest to the accuracy, I even used it to learn a few routes myself.

I'm betting months of my time and effort that you're gonna like how easy this is to use, and why it is superior to the few options present. This is made by Penn State students specifically for Penn State students. We are!

A glimpse at my todo list for this app. Got nearly a months worth of work I'd say.
Wow, so much has changed. The app is about halfway done. Most of the major framework is done, just gotta finish the individual features. I hope to launch by Arts Fest. I hope to use this site more to keep track of and share my progress.

So the main table part that is show here is done. Probably gonna launch looking extremely close to this! Except for the icons, they may have a glow around them... and also the current date will say "Today" and little stuff like that.

Your other options are (when you hit the home icon, a dropdown appears):

[Essentially Done] [In Progress] [Not Yet Started]

-Host Party (which will allow you to post a party on the app)
-Dashboard (your profile, invite lists, invite lists you're on, your spots, little things like that are all here)
-Search (find that girl/guy you were talking to last night, or the place you're going tonight)
-Options (sorting the table, map type, etc.)

Swiping from right to left (or clicking the messaging balloon) will bring you to Right Now. This is essentially your notifications and stuff. Rate parties that need expired, find people you talked to last night, see stuff coming really soon, etc.) This will be the part that takes me the longest to get right. 

Host party should be the easiest. All I need do is link it together, I have half the UI work done there.

Dashboard will take a little time in the back-end. I still need to make an invite list system, and tie spots to people, things like that. Little logistical problems are bound to come up.